SAVY - Frequently Asked Questions

Avatar and wordmark for SAVY, York University's student virtual assistant and speech balloon saying, 'Hi, how can I help you?'

Get to know SAVY

What is a virtual assistant?
  • A virtual assistant is a software-based conversational agent that can answer your questions directly or point you toward helpful information, recommend resources, provide directions and wayfinding, connect you to people and places on campus and more.
  • While chatbots give you information from other sources, like websites, a virtual assistant can provide you with personalized content including services and events related to your campus and Faculty.
How is SAVY different from just doing a Google search?
SAVY is intended to give a single response to the questions it is trained to answer. Google offers many, sometimes thousands of results for any search.
Will SAVY replace face-to-face student services?
No. SAVY was built to provide general information but does not provide the same service as the staff in registrarial services and advising centres.

Using SAVY

What kind of questions can I ask SAVY?
You can ask SAVY questions related to programs and courses, student life, campus services, career development and more. As you continue to interact with our virtual assistant, the SAVY team, faculty and staff subject matter experts will work together to provide better, more targeted, answers.
Will SAVY work on my mobile device?
Yes. Since SAVY is embedded in eClass, it will work on your mobile device. It’s also mobile friendly, so accessing it from any York website will also work on mobile devices.
Who can use SAVY?
All undergraduate students, and students attending Osgoode, have access to SAVY.

SAVY on the backend

How does SAVY get its answers?
Subject matter experts across the University have contributed content to the virtual assistant to get started. The more SAVY is used, the better and more targeted the answers will get.
How does SAVY know who I am and what program I’m in?
When you log in with Passport York, SAVY will capture your first name, your program and the courses you are enrolled in to provide information that is uniquely tailored to you.
How is my privacy protected while using SAVY?
To protect your privacy, SAVY will only use general information about you to answer your questions: your first name, whether you are an international student, Faculty, program of study, college affiliation, the courses you are taking and your year of study. SAVY will not know your last name, your student number or your contact information.

Technical support

When will I get access to the student virtual assistant?
Once you are enrolled at York as an undergraduate student, you will have access to SAVY.
What do I do if I’m having technical trouble with SAVY?
Ask for help by using the Virtual Assistant Technical Help Form on eClass.